Tuesday 11 December 2012

21 Rules of Boozology!!!!

Albert Einstein once said that “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” and since then I have always wondered about the various unsaid  yet universally practiced rules in bars around the world. So I hereby dedicate this blog post to the 21 Rules of Boozing for the benefit of my readers which I have picked up over the years. Cheers!

1.   Let us learn about the socially responsible one first- Don’t Drink & Drive. Period!!!
2.   Open Bar is a dangerous game respect it
3.   It's okay to drink alone. (for all the pensive moments I have shared with my drinks)
            4.  Bars are the best places to repay old debts especially during happy hours.
5.  If a bartender makes a weak drink then next time order a double. He shall get the message but for heaven’s sake never ever tell him that he has made a drink too strong!
6.  Never start a conversation with a bartender with “I know this is out of menu, but . . .”
7.  If you hesitate more than three seconds after the bartender looks at you, you do not deserve a drink.
8.  You can request only one song per night from a DJ. So choose wisely. If he doesn't play it within 15 minutes, do not approach him again. If he does play it, do not approach him again.
9.  Never ask a bartender “what's good tonight?” They do not fly in their single malts fresh from the Scottish coasts every morning.
10. If there is ever any confusion, the fuller beer is yours.
11.  Never w(h)ine about the quality or brand of a free drink.
12.  If you bring booze to a party, you must drink it or leave it.
13.  It is important to appreciate hangovers as they indicate that you kicked some a$$ the previous night
14.  Never lie in a bar, however, you may grossly exaggerate and lean.
15.  If you think you might be slurring a little, then you are slurring a lot. If you think you are slurring a lot, then you are not speaking English.
16.  The bar clock moves twice as fast from midnight to last call.
17.  Always stick around for another drink that is when things happen. You don’t want to be ‘the Blitz’
18.  Never borrow more than one cigarette from the same person in one night.
19.  It is only permissible to shout 'woo-hoo!' during shots with 4 or more people including a girl as well.
20. You will forget every one of these rules by your fifth drink.
21.  After Drinking if you do something stupid Don’t blame it on the alcohol

So now that you know these rules; play by them and rock till the end of the world!!! See you on the other side guys!!!

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